Handwriting — yours is as individual as your dental style.

In celebration of the this week’s #NationalHandwritingDay — January 23 — put your personal spin on these five suggestions to improve your dental brand, your way.

1. Draft handwritten kudos cards for your #dentalstaff. https://www.bencoprints.com/ )

2. Personalize birthday messages and #milestonemoment notes to celebrate your #dentalpatients.

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3. Incorporate a Ucreate digital play panel by NunoErin® into your pediatric space to offer young patients a place to doodle their caries away.
                                                ( https://www.benco.com/design-and-architecture/ )

4. Put your Dr. Jane Hancock on an equipment sales agreement. Nothing says ‘I’m committed to the most #innovativesolutions for my patients and practice’ like a signature on a new technology order. (Call your FriendlyBencoRep at 1-800-GOBENCO to get the ball rolling.)

5. Create your shortlist of candidates, jot a few notes about their #clinicalcred #chairsidemanner and #benevolentdentistry and then nominate colleague, friend — or yourself — for the 2019 IncisalEdge #ie40Under40 or Lucy Hobbs Project awards.   ( https://www.incisaledgemagazine.com/contests/ )

Extra credit:  Learn from this Forbes article what your signature says about you and check out a TED talk to see what you might have in common with extraordinary leaders like Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela.

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#dentalcomputersolutions #dentalsoftware #dentalitsolutions #dentalofficehardware #dentalpracticemanagementsoftware #dentalcomputersystems #dentalofficetechnology
