A “Sports-Center” life
Dr. Betsy Carmack has been recognized as one of America’s Best Young Dentists, the 2019 Incisal Edge 40 Under 40 honorees. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her accomplishments. She and her husband Dr. Tyler Carmack run four dental offices in Bennington, Rutland and Shaftsbury, Vermont and carve out time for humanitarian outreach, family and other passions in life.
One that has always been central to Dr. Betsy Carmack’s life: Sports. Her childhood days were filled with everything from gymnastics, dance and cheer to basketball, softball, track and swimming.
However, as Betsy entered her teen years, she knew she could only focus on one or two sports. Ultimately, she made the choice to continue her cheerleading and gymnastic careers, and competed in both sports throughout all four years of high school.

Betsy continued her cheerleading career at the collegiate level when she attended Vanderbilt University to earn her undergraduate degree.
Academics win the race
Dental school brought about quite a change in Dr. Carmack’s life; as someone who was always involved in athletics, attending Tufts University School of Dental Medicine meant that she had to dedicate the majority of her focus on academics.
It wasn’t until 2010 that Dr. Carmack got involved in competitive athletics again. Having just moved to Connecticut and preparing for her upcoming wedding, she began to work with a trainer at a local gym.
It was there that she was introduced to head trainer Sherry Carature and several other women who were prepping for an upcoming fitness show.
Getting back into the game
Dr. Carmack was not only attracted to the idea of getting involved in a sport again but also the opportunity to bond and make some new friends, which she was able to do right away.
“I was immediately drawn to and inspired by Sherry and connected seamlessly with the other girls,” Dr. Carmack said.
After going through the group training, Dr. Carmack competed in her first fitness show, Fitness Atlantic, in April 2010.
Even though she did not place in the show, Dr. Carmack said that she cherished the experience because she made a ton of new friends and fell in love with the sport’s contagious energy.
Time off pays off
Dr. Carmack had to take some time off from bodybuilding and fitness shows once she and her husband, Dr. Tyler Carmack, welcomed their two children to the world. However, once they settled into their new roles as parents, Dr. Carmack was inspired to return to the sport once again. This time around the results were a bit different.
In 2014, Dr. Carmack re-entered the fitness competition world, and she was eligible to compete in the Master’s Division.
Being in this division allowed Dr. Carmack to compete against women who faced similar life situations and circumstances. Eager to compete once again, Dr. Carmack trained for and placed 4th in the Green Mountain Thaw, an all-natural bodybuilding competition hosted in Vermont.
Dr. Carmack returned to the Green Mountain Thaw in 2018, and all of her hard work paid off, earning her the 1st place spot in the Open Tall Division and the Overall Bikini Division.
These two victories meant that Dr. Carmack received a World Beauty Fashion and Fitness (WBFF) Pro Card, along with a spot to compete in the World’s Competition in Las Vegas that August.
To prepare for this competition, Dr. Carmack completed more advanced training than ever before. At the WBFF World’s competition, Dr. Carmack not only bonded with many other like-minded fitness women from all over the globe, but also had the honor of finishing 9th worldwide in her first Pro Fitness Show.
Training behind the scenes
As if the weightlifting didn’t seem challenging enough, Dr. Carmack also took several other steps to prepare for each of her competitions.
“In bodybuilding, half of the difficulty is training your body through weights and cardio, along with knowing your angles and poses. The other half is training your mind, self- discipline and determination.”
Dr. Betsy Carmack
With such a tight schedule as a dentist, mother and humanitarian, Dr. Carmack acknowledged how difficult it is to stick to a diet when training. She often ate six meals a day, all of which consisted of vegetables, proteins, and carbs. On top of all of that, she drank a gallon of water a day, at minimum.
Goal-oriented and determined, Dr. Carmack used her objectives and desired results as the drive to keep her on track when her training challenged her. Overcoming obstacles like time constraints, energy shortages and doubt was easy once she pictured herself on stage competing.
By keeping her goals at the forefront of her mind, Dr. Carmack was able to shrink the troubling obstacles she faced, allowing her aspirations and dreams to shine through.
Life outside of the fitness world
At present, Dr. Carmack is taking time to focus on her family life and her career. She is currently receiving training on dental implants and advanced surgical techniques from the Misch International Implant Institute.
This fall, she’ll be sharing her insight as a featured guest panelist at the 7th annual Lucy Hobbs Project Celebration at The Blackstone in Chicago. Dr. Carmack will join 10 incredible speakers, including CNN’s Poppy Harlow at this celebration of women in dentistry. On the panel “Healthy Me,” Dr. Carmack and three other experts will discuss proven methods of staying in a positive headspace while working under stress. Find out details and register to attend: https://www.regmadeeasy.com/benco/the-lucy-hobbs-project/2019/
Despite her busy professional and home life, Dr. Carmack still makes time to work out five to six days each week and has enrolled in a few trail races this summer. Dr. Carmack hopes to make a return to the competitive world of bodybuilding once the timing is right for both her family and her career.
Want to start your own fitness journey?
As for her advice to fitness challenge newcomers, Dr. Carmack urges anyone considering it to just go for it.
“Whether it be running, dieting, lifting or walking, find a challenge and sign up! Decide, commit, succeed.”
Dr. Betsy Carmack
Just as Dr. Carmack first began training with a group of her friends, it may be beneficial to find a training partner to make a set, recurring schedule. Dr. Carmack relied on her own accountability and determination to achieve her training goals and urges everyone else to do the same.
“Keep your head in the game and your body will follow.”
Dr. Besty Carmack advises fitness enthusiasts.